Monday, January 21, 2008

The camellias are in bloom

These well-lived evergreen shrubs, often blooming in the cooler temperatures - usually between October and March - are the ONLY things bringing any color to my garden today.

Blooms on camellias usually range from pure white to dark red and everything in between, and are well suited to the partial shade conditions here on the property. We currently have two bushes, of different verieties; ‘Polar Ice’, pictured here, which produces 3" flowers, and will eventually grow to about 6-8 ft. tall (if I'm lucky!) and I believe, 'Pink Perfection’, which produces bright pink blooms with a yellow center. It, however, bloomed earlier in the fall, and is adding only its dark green, glossy leaves to the winter landscape.

Camellias are best transplanted from November to February so the roots can become established before the summer heat. Plants should be spaced at least 5 ft. apart, and at the same depth as they are in the container. I guess you know what *I'll* be working on in the garden, this upcoming month!

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