Saturday, December 20, 2008

Planning Paradise

Wow...Long Time, No Post, huh?!

Here we are, about to embark on yet another new calendar year, and I am making it my mission (yet again) to keep a sort of home journal with this blog; we may not be moving along with the renovations/remodeling/revamping as quickly and efficiently as we might like (both time and money bridle those plans currently), but little by little we are moving forward; this year, the Mister is dedicated to a vegetable garden (or, so he says), and this coming spring I WILL tame the overgrown jungle which was once our planting beds. I have oh-so-grand plans for a wonderfully clean and organized home and I intend to HAVE one!! I want to get back to trying new and tasty (and preferably easy) dishes, instead of having the same things for dinner, night after night.

So. That's the plan. (First, have a plan) - And, since the mister is at work, and my house really *is* nice and tidy at the moment (I'm doing the little bit of laundry we have, so as I feel like I'm accomplishing something), I'm going to go read some "homey" sites, and resolve my resolve, for my resolution!! *wink*

~ Happy Holidays to You and Yours ~

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