Hi there, friends and readers - I did get an early start to my day today; the mister's internal clock, it seems, is still set to awaken him at 3a.m., so that he might be TO work by five; however, since the start of the year - with the new salary in effect and all - he doesn't begin his day until seven, now...so, his puttering around the house this morning for an additional two hours has gotten a bright (or, rather dark, actually), early start to my day (!), and given me ample opportunity to construct my list (lol);

1. Coffee yes, 3:30 a.m. IS quite early, isn't it? SO, one of my very favorite things, this morning, is coffee: plain old coffee, no mocha-latte-chino stuff, no flavors, just regular, old-fashioned bean-juice. WIth a little milk or cream, but no sugar. Thanks.
2. It is also a bit chilly this morning. I would say "cold"...because for Florida, it *is* cold, but I know, I know...we're not getting the snow whopper that those to the north are, so I won't even mention the temps (42-degrees, and raining, just sayin'...) but I will mention my nice, snuggly pink robe, that is keeping me warm and toasty this morning. (Did I mention that it was an early morning??!)
3. Also, again because we Florida beach-dwellers are not accustomed to these lowER temperatures...and, as my floors are all wood & tile, another of my favorite things this morning are my slipper socks...Luv. them.
The humidifier we got (for the Murphy, who has allergies, don'tcha know; ah, the things we do for our pets!) , along with the meds seem to be helping her with her 'stuffy-ness', so that's a favorite thing this mornin', too; the poor, pitiful thing is now asleep on the couch!
5. All of my blogger buddies, who will, coincidently, give me something to read on this - yes, I'm going to say it - Very. Early. Morning.
And, what about you? What were the highlights of your week? Be sure to head on over to Living to Tell the Story and share your Friday Faves with Susanne and all the other wonderful participants. And, until next time...
May I say that is one early morning? :v)
I love sitting in my housecoat and drinking coffee in the mornings. Maybe not at 3:30 in the morning but mornings none the less.
My internal alarm clock has been going off at 3 a.m. also - but for NO good reason. =)
Well, I hope you have enjoyed your early morning and that you have a great weekend!
I thought I was an early riser at 5 a.m.! # is way early! But it looks like you've found ways to make it cozy.
Oops, that should be 3, not #.
You had me hooked at "coffee..."
I'm in Florida too, and yes, the temperatures ARE cold -- for us!
Snuggly pink robes and warm fuzzy slippers are definitely in order...and I love them.
Happy weekend.
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