Outside my window...there's fog so heavy I can't see to the road, but the temperatures are looking *much* better, with high's expected in the mid-60's.
I am thinking...I can't WAIT for the weather to get warm (and stay warm!) every day; I'm a spring kinda gal!
I am thankful for...my two hounds, who give me unconditional love and who make me smile each and every day!
From the learning rooms...Today marks the beginning of Chinese New Year, the Year of the Ox. Chinese New Year starts with the New Moon on the first day of the new year and ends on the full moon 15 days later.
From the kitchen...sooo...no grocery trip yesterday as I had planned, BUT I do have a weekly menu all planned out; meatloaf tonite, swiss chicken and quesadillas later in the week. Now, to see if I stick to it!!
I am wearing...Levi's, a gray Jaguar sweatshirt, and gray slipper-socks.
I am creating...a new photo "gallery" along our hallway - now, I need a few more picture frames, tho, so the 'project' is on hold until I can get my hands on some!
I am going...to stop in at my neighbor's later today, as she had a Dr.'s appt. this morning and she is rather worried about the results of the scans. Prayers that her issue is benign would be appreciated!
I am reading...right now, I have two novels on the go: first, I'm reading Edith Wharton for the first time, and am about 1/3 of the way thru "The House of Mirth", which I must say is more entertaining than I had first imagined it would be! I'm also reading "The Edible Woman" by Margaret Atwood (on of my favorite authors) and I'm finding both reads to be quite similar in their tone and subject matter.
I am hoping...that the Steelers win the Superbowl
I am hearing...The Morning Show on the television in the living room, and one of the hounds eating breakfast in the kitchen.
Around the house...well, its Monday, and that means back to the daily chore routine...I'm feelin' a bit under the weather this morning, so I think I may just do the "regular" stuff (make the bed, do the dishes, etc.) and call it a day!
One of my favorite things...the quiet of the early morning hours, just as the sun is coming up over the horizon...
A few plans for the rest of the week: nothing really, except the regular routine...and, waitin' around for Sunday afternoon (Go STEELERS!!!)
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
If you would like to take part in your own weekly daybook, visit The Simple Woman's Daybook for all the details...
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