It's been a pretty relaxed week here at our cottage by the sea...the weather is warming up nicely, albeit a bit soggy,
1. so we went to the garden center this past weekend, and picked up a few starter tomato plants for our little spring garden. If the weather cooperates, the plan is to play in the dirt this weekend!
2. One of my dearest old friend's celebrates her birthday today. While I haven't seen her in ages, and unfortunately have no concrete plans to do so anytime soon I'm afraid, she is still one of those friends with whom the years can pass, but you can still start right where you left off. I think I'll call her this afternoon, crank up the stereo and coerce he into having a birthday drink with me, long-distance! (Happy Birthday, Rita!)
3. A picture & a poem:
picture by Rhonda R. Napoleon; subject a member of the Skyline Forest Faeries & Guardians of Cloudcroft, New Mexico Spring Greeting All faintly through my soul to-day,
As from a bell that far away
Is tinkled by some frolic fay,
Floateth a lovely chiming.
Thou magic bell, to many a fell
And many a winter-saddened dell
Thy tongue a tale of Spring doth tell,
Too passionate-sweet for rhyming.
Chime out, thou little song of Spring,
Float in the blue skies ravishing.
Thy song-of-life a joy doth bring
That's sweet, albeit fleeting.
Float on the Spring-winds e'en to my home:
And when thou to a rose shalt come
That hath begun to show her bloom,
Say, I send her greeting!by Sidney Lanier
4. Well...I don't know about you, but in this house - with two hounds and a manx - we luv Febreze. And, this week, we tried their newest scent "Thai Dragon Fruit"...oh.yeah.
5. And, I would be remiss if I didn't mention (as usual) payday for the mister today! I'm not sure why that's always a fave, as much of it goes out as fast as it comes in, but it's nice to see that little jump in the 'ol checking account, no matter how fleeting it may be! ;)
What were the highlights of your week? Be sure to head on over to Living to Tell the Story and share your Friday Faves with Susanne and all the other wonderful participants. And, until next time...
Aren't friends like that wonderful!? Yes, Happy Birthday Rita! =)
I LOVE home grown tomatoes because I'm not allowed to attempt them for our family because Jonathan knows how quickly I tire of trying to actually grow anything by remembering to water it....sigh.
Hope you have a great weekend!
I totally relate to #5! LOL.
Thai Dragon Fruit Febreeze? Oooo, I have to look for that. Hopefully we'll have it here in Canada.
Tomato plants already? I would love to be able to planting those already. We are so far from that yet. Around here we don't put anything out until the May long weekend. You risk it any earlier than that because the days may be nice but the nice can still get down to freezing.
Enjoy digging in the dirt this weekend planting those babies. :v)
I love the poem. Images of fairies and spring dancing in my head!
And old friends you can pick right up with? They're the best. I have a couple of those, and they're a real blessing.
Happy weekend, happy spring!
Great Friday faves! I know what you mean about paycheck's. They go so darn fast it makes your head spin...I just wish it came in half that fast.
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