1. Last Saturday, we headed south again to visit with the mister's family. His siblings were all in attendance, all THEIR 'significant others', their mother and, of course, the fab four (the nieces & nephews)...not to mention everybody's dogs!! It was a full-blown celebration, with cake and ice cream, games to play, and all sorts of fun to be had!! Why were we celebrating, you might ask? Well....
3. this Saturday will be the littlest angel's birthday #2 (Happy Birthday, Abby!), and what better reason to let them eat cake?!
4. Oh, plus, when we were out shopping for gifts for the girls, I got myself a cute new purse! I'd look at it every time we went in the store, but if you know me, you know I'm pretty
5. And, of course, my traditional every-other-Friday favorite: It's payday!!
And, what about you? What were the highlights of your week? Be sure to head on over to Living to Tell the Story and share your Friday Faves with Susanne and all the other wonderful participants. And, until next time...
Loved reading your fave five. It was like reading a good story :0)
Yippee for purse bargains. I'm pretty cheap myself when it comes to spending money on myself. Your family celebration sounded great. Have a good weekend...
HAPPY PAYDAY to you! =D That's a fantastic reason to celebrate the day and this weekend! Always a nice feeling, to be sure. =) Good thing to be thankful for!
Enjoy your weekend!
Celebrations are so much fun! I am looking for a cute new purse too. I might just make one, I am not sure yet. :)
You had a celebration week! That's great. (We have birthday season at our house, with almost all the birthdays between Jan. 1 and Feb. 15!)
A purse for only 3.99! That's the best!
Happy weekend.
You've had a great week! Happy Happy Birthday to Two Girls!
A new purse (on sale!) and payday!
I hope this coming week is just as good.
You make me laugh everytime you say payday. I love me my payday too! :vD
Happy Birthday to both of those precious girls. Sounds like quite the birthday party happening!
I love new purses. And you found one for $3.99?! How awesome is that?
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