Friday, January 16, 2009

January in Florida

Sky Nothing but bright, sun-filled skies here in north Florida; we are experiencing the lowest temperatures that we have had all season this week - with lows dropping down into the high 20's, and the high during the day not expected to reach up above 60 - but, as you can see, not a cloud in the sky!

Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves. ~ James M. Barrie

Photobucket Hey! I just found another sky watchers meme over at Crazy Working Mom's; this one seems a bit more intimate and, I'm gonna submit this, there, too - I hope there's no *rule* against THAT!!


DrowseyMonkey-Photos said...

Look lovely! It's pretty cold where I am (near Toronto) so these look pretty good to me!

Linda said...

Hi Mo!

First off, thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a lovely comment; comments are always appreciated!

These pictures are great! I'm particularly fond of sky pictures but can't participate in "this" particular sky meme as I sometimes do a bit of advertising on my blog and the rules for that and that meme are rather restrictive. I'm glad my friend Tisha came up with the other one so that I can post some of my sky shots!

If you'd like some cold, head on up to Connecticut where we are looking at a high of 9 today and temps dropping to about -5 for tonight. Brr! That's cold even for here! Not that I want to rush my life along but come on, Spring!

Mo said...

Hello, and thanks for droppin' in!

People w/cameras;
I'm 'originally' from Pa. (vacationed in Ontario once or twice as a kid!) so I *know* the cold of which you, thank you! LoL

Hey Linda, I "found" Watch the Sky, thanks, and I'm headed off to link there, now...looks like a nice, friendly-sized group. (I linked to your page on my 'other' site, hope that's kewl!!)

Again, ladies, thanks for stopping in; do come back!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Mo! There's no "rules" at Looking at the sky on Friday. It was created because some people aren't allowed to link up at the "other" sky watching meme. You can drop by anytime and leave your link. We'd love to have you. Thanks for playing.

Goodness, it's even cold in Florida! Brrrr...I'm ready for spring.


Dianne said...

your low temp is still higher than our high temp!! it is soooooooooo cold here ;)

love your photos

Patti said...

Nice to meet you, Mo - I like your sky photos. Lovely shade of blue.

Tisha is a wonderful hostess. I hope you take part again.

Gayle said...

Funny how I'm lovin' my abnormally warm +40 and people in other parts are freezing with their +40. It's a relative to what you are used to. Beautiful crisp sky you have!

Anonymous said...

So blue and cheerful. Lovely photos!

Ingrid said...

I wished we had such a sky here right now, it's so boring grey and cold !