a place to come on Friday's and think back over your week and just post about 5 favorite things from your week. It can be anything that tickled your fancy over the week. Favorite quotes, posts, happenings, scriptures, recipes, pictures, etc., etc.
So, this week has been long and cold, and I've been feelin' under the weather, so this was a challenge for me this round...

2. I just paid the mortgage this week - the first in the new booklet - and realized that our house payment has dropped $25/month. Not earth-changing, but $300/yr. is alright with me!
3. The Mister got himself walk-on-water evals at work (way to go, sweetie!), and got a raise in pay! Not a life-style changin' raise, but every little bit helps.

5. I got a book-box in the mail yesterday (Like I *need* more books!) and I found four books to swap out in it! That's a pretty 'average' take for me from these things, so I was happy! (Plus, that means four already-read books get to move along to another reader....and *that* is good to me!)
So...there is my Friday Fave Five...what's yours?! Be sure to head over to Living to tell the Story, grab a button from Susanne, and share your wonderful week with all the other participants....go on, you know you want to!
Good Morning! Well, being from MO, we were pulling for the Cardinals. However, it was a great game and I'm not a football fan! ;)
Our temps are on the rise--the 70s today. I can hardly wait to get out and play!
Great financial news--mortgage savings and raise for hubby! Hope you have a wonderful weekend--go spend some of your new wealth on a dinner out with that hard working guy! :) Dana
I love boxes of books in the mail! If only I could purchase additional time along with them so I could read them all!
The book box thing sounds interesting. How does it work?
Fuzzy robes are the best! That is quite the variance in weather.
Congrats to the mister for such a great review and raise!!
It's so neat to find extra, unexpected money and savings.
Wow, that is quite a temperature spread!
All in all, not so bad huh? I just got into my fuzzy bathrobe too! Mine is purple!!
Yes, your weather has been crazy this week! Never a dull moment. My fuzzy robe is deep red!
Have another great week ahead!
Praise the Lord for pay raises and new books to read. Sounds awesome to me!
Enjoyed your 5. Have a blessed weekend!
It's refreshing to hear about work going well and raises being given! Congratulations to your hubby! Warm fuzzy robes are so nice. Have a wonderful weekend...
Hello, all, and thanks SO much for stoppin' by! I just *LUV* this exercise, don't you?!
Well, Dana, you seem friendly, so I won't hold your bein' a Cardinal "rooter" against ya! (*wink*)
I don't *really* need the books either, Brenda, but I just can't seem to resist them! It's an addiction, I tell ya!! (yes, Correspondent, the time is always the issue, huh?!)
Susanne, I'm a member of bookcrossing, and the boxes are simply that - a box of books that one member sends to the next, that person chooses the books s/he wants and replaces those with an equal # of their own books, then sends it on to the next participant...bookcrossers are a great bunch of folks; you (all) should really check it out if your a book-fiend like I am!! Bookcrossing.com
The temps are CRAZY here, Barbara, but the weathermen tell me its gonna go back to *normal* as the weekend progresses...thankfully!
Gotta luv the bathrobes, huh, Jientje & Willow?? (I want mine to be red or purple...or blue even - pink really ISN'T my 'thing', but when it's this cold, the color really doesn't seem to matter AS much! LoL)
Are you a bookcrosser, Jerrelea?? (I'll have to check out your bookshelf!)...
Thanks for the congrats, Ellen, I'll surely pass them along...
Again, thank you ALL so much for stoppin' and sayin' hello...I hope you guys are all enjoying your weekends and have a wonderful week ahead!
Nothin' like a comfy bathrobe!!! :-)
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